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Foundation Design

Foundation services

At Cedna Engineering, our foundation design services are expertly handled by our skilled structural engineers. We specialize in creating robust and reliable foundation solutions that cater to the specific needs of each project. Utilizing advanced geotechnical engineering principles, our team ensures every foundation is designed for maximum efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and durability.

We employ a range of modern technologies and proven methods to ensure each foundation is designed for maximum efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and long-term stability. Our services cover various foundation types, from pile-supported excavations to complex mat slab constructions.

Our foundation design services include:

  • Detailed soil mechanics analysis
  • Foundation design calculations
  • Structural stability analysis
  • Load sharing capacity assessment


We offer third-party inspections certified by the Post Tension Institute, ensuring compliance with the highest industry standards. At Cedna Engineering, we are committed to delivering high-quality, durable foundations that meet all safety standards and client specifications. Our approach ensures that each project, regardless of size or complexity, benefits from our expertise and dedication to excellence. By choosing Cedna Engineering, you are partnering with a team that values precision, quality, and customer satisfaction.

Call us today at (979) 864-3442 to get started.